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Crisis & Support Services


Ask Izzy

Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need nationally with nearby support services, including food, housing, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It is free and anonymous, with over 370,000 health and welfare services listed across Australia.


Depression, Anxiety, Crisis Support

Suicide Call back service  1300 659 467 or webchat

Phone and webchat service and resources. Feeling suicidal, worried about someone, lost someone. 


Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe. 


Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Mental health information and support for all Victorians 


Eheadspace 1800 650 893
Online and webchat support and counselling for 12-25 year olds, their family and friends.


Food, material aid, counselling, support for all ages and groups

Carenet Food and toiletry hampers at Warrandyte Neighbourhood House, Wednesdays 10 am - 12pm. (Either in the rear carpark, or if raining at Warrandyte Neighbourhood Hood reception, accessed via deck in Webb street). Some supplies available at the neighbourhood house on other days. Healthcare card NOT required. 


Rotary Op Shop  Food (non-perishables on site) and food orders (purchased and delivered by op shop volunteers)​. 264 Yarra St, Warrandyte (around the back of the shops)



Food and Crisis Intervention. Doncare helps families, the aged, youths, women and the disadvantaged in the city of Mannningham and surrounds.  Provides EMERGENCY relief, counselling, violence prevention and recovery, support for seniors, family services. Manningham City Square, Suite 4 , 1/687 Doncaster Road. 


Pettet Family Foundation  Park Orchards - Crisis intervention and inclusion services for children and their family, “an immediate charity”.  Contact Geoff Parkes E: M: 0418 392 748.


Redcross 1800 733 276

Online resources, phonecalls, food.


Living and Learning @ Ajani  9850 3687

Food pantry and Eat and Greet program - free meal distribution program for low income, unemployed and disadvantaged families in Manningham. Lower Templestowe


Relationships Australia  1300 364 277

Helping Australians to build positive relationships through the provision of confidential relationship support services by our professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff.


Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria) - 1800 806 29224 hour service. Free confidential emergency or crisis care service for victim/survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. This includes crisis counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.


Autism Spectrum

Sensory and stuck at home.

Support group on Facebook for adults.


Autism Spectrum Australia 1800 277 328


Families, Children, Young People

Reach Out

Resources for teens and their parents, including online forums for teens. All topics and issues. 


Raising Children Network

Ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.


Kids Help Line - 1800 55 1800
We care and we listen, any time and for any reason. A free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years.


A free telephone helpline offering support, information, referral and crisis intervention


Family Drug Helpline - 1300 660 06824 hour service. Professional counselling and peer support for family and friends of drug users.


Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

Helping Australians to build positive relationships through the provision of confidential relationship support services by our professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff.



WIRE 1300 134 130

Any woman, any issue. Free support, referral and information for all Victorian women, nonbinary and gender-diverse people.


Women's Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria - 9373-0123 or (country) 1800 015 188.
24 hour service. Crisis support, information, referral to safe accommodation (refuge) for women experiencing abuse in their relationships.


Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria.


Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria) -1800 806 29224 hour service. Free confidential emergency or crisis care service for victim/survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. This includes crisis counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.

Relationships Australia -

1300 364 277

Helping Australians to build positive relationships through the provision of confidential relationship support services by our professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff.


Gidget 1300 851 758

A not for profit organisation supporting the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents to ensure that those in need receive timely, appropriate and supportive care.


PANDA on 1300 726 306

The PANDA National Perinatal Anxiety and Depression helpline is open

Mon-Fri 9.00am to 7.30pm AEST


Pregnancy Help Australia - 1300 139 313
For information about pregnancy support services available in your region

Pregnancy Counselling Australia - 1300 737 732
24 hour service Information, referrals and counselling.



Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78‎

MensLine Australia is here to help 24/7 via phone or online. Talk it over. Call us any time. Professional Counsellors. . Services: men's mental health, relationship & divorce, emotional well being, social connection.


For men | Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria › help-advice › men

DVRCV supports women, men and children who have been affected by family violence.


Counselling for Men  1300 364 277‎

We Offer Counselling Services To Support Men To Explore & Review Their Lives. Experienced. Centres Across Victoria. Professional. RTO. Qualified Counsellors. High Quality. Services: Counselling, Mental Health Services, Workplace Services.


Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria) -1800 806 29224 hour service. Free confidential emergency or crisis care service for victim/survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. This includes crisis counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.


Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

Helping Australians to build positive relationships through the provision of confidential relationship support services by our professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff.



LGBTQI  Switch Board Call: 1800 184 527

Switchboard Victoria provides peer-driven support services for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people, their families, allies and communities. Phone and online chat support and resources.


Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria) -1800 806 29224 hour service. Free confidential emergency or crisis care service for victim/survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. This includes crisis counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.


Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

Helping Australians to build positive relationships through the provision of confidential relationship support services by our professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff.



Gambling Helpline - 1800 858 858
Call from anywhere in Australia 24/7 to be connected free of charge to your local confidential gambling telephone help service


Direct Line - 03 9416 1818 or (freecall) 1800 888 236
24 hour service Assessment, counselling, referral and information services for drug and alcohol issues.


Family Drug Helpline - 1300 660 068
24 hour service. Professional counselling and peer support for family and friends of drug users.

Alcoholics Anonymous



Grief line - (03) 9596 7799
12 noon to 3 am, 7 days a week
Telephone counselling service for anyone experiencing loss or grief.


Monday - Thursday





(03) 9844 1839

0493 446 012

Level 1/168 Yarra St, Warrandyte VIC 3113



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© 2021 Warrandyte Neighbourhood House 


All rights reserved. The Warrandyte Neighbourhood House makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is correct at the time of advertising.  We reserve the right to cancel or change course days, time, fees and trainers when necessary without notification.

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